Saturday, April 26, 2014

Resolve to Know More... Recap

Really wish that this NIAW didn't have to end, and you know what, for me it doesn't.  I will continue to advocate for awareness about infertility.  And hopefully I will one day have a success story that I can share that will inspire others to continue the battle no matter what.  

I’m so glad that I decided to participate in this year’s NIAW.  It has been an amazing week of sharing stories and photos, finding new bloggers and IG-ers to follow, and most importantly, realizing more and more with each story that I encountered and each blog entry I read that we are all so alike in so many ways.  It’s very reassuring to realize that in no way am I alone; to know that I am not the only 1 in 8 out there; to know that there is a chance of success, that all hope is not lost.

This community has done more for me than I ever thought possible.  I’m eternally grateful to all the women out there who have reached out to me in support.  I’ve been inspired by so many and I hope that my story has inspired others.  I am also eternally grateful to the many women who have extended their thoughts and prayers that aren’t themselves infertile.  One of the best things I’ve gotten out of this entire situation is an AH-MA-ZING support group.  I never imagined that we would have so many supporters out there.  I will never be able to thank them in the way that I would like to, each and every one of them, individually, with a hug, a bottle of wine, and a Reese’s peanut butter egg.  As much as I wish I could, extending my gratitude via social media will have to suffice.

There are definitely some unfortunate issues we are faced with, re-evaluating friendships/relationships, struggling with the sincerity of your feelings towards others that are expecting, dealing with grief, loss, the financial burden, the emotional and physical toll that will be taken through treatments.  There is just a lot to deal with, plain and simple, and it’s not fun, and it will be hard, and tears will be shed, and anger and frustration will be part of it.  There is no way around those feelings.

With all the pain and negativity that comes with infertility comes the silver lining, that glimmer of hope, that light at the end of the tunnel that keeps us all chugging along, being poked and prodded more than we ever thought we would be to finally reach that finish line and have a baby.  That reward will be worth every bit of the struggle that we faced.  I will continue to dream about that day.  I will be positive and optimistic, and I won’t let this fight bring me down.


  1. fabulous post, thank you so much for sharing your story. I won't pretend I know anything about what you are going through, but send positive thoughts and hugs your way. I hope you are able to share your success story soon.

  2. beautiful post. You truly have been an inspiration to me as I'm sure you have been to many others! Thank you for sharing your journey. It has helped me to be more open with my own struggles as well. I cannot wait to stop by your blog and see your "I'M PREGNANT" post. That day is coming. I just know it.


  3. Thank you for being so open with your journey! I look forward to hearing about your success - babies are a joy already, but after a journey through infertility I'm sure the joy will be that much greater for you and your husband! My aunt took 6 years to get pregnant her first time with IVF and after that it was like her body got the hint of what it was supposed to do and she became a baby making machine! Four babies later and she couldn't be happier. Best of luck and baby dust to you!


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